Online Booking FieldsetPurpose for reservation *Camp AccomodationCamping SafariTourFrom Date To Date Number of Nights to stay Number of adults and childrenAdults *Children *Infants *Status *Resident(s)Non-Resident(s) Type of Room AccomodationSingle(s) Double(s) Triples Cot(s) Meal plan Ground PlanVegeterianHave you formerly stayed with Sekenani Camp? YesNoSpecial Requirements Please fill in your personal details indicated belowTitle MrsMsMrDrProfFull Name *Country *E-mail *Phone number Read our terms and conditions hereTick this box before you proceed *I have read and I agree with Sekenani Camp's Terms and ConditionsSection Fieldset VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank: